Sunday Feb 25, 2024

The escape from capture to the land of the bible

Episode # 4. The escape from capture to the land of the bible.

The story continues to the year 2053.

Special Agent Mitch Landro's memory returns as he escapes capture by agents of the New World Order.  On his journey to a command post, he finds a secure place in the outback to safely leave the body of the deceased fellow agent Highworth. 
 Once he arrives back at a command post, he faces a challenge by double agent Kelborn who tries to steal the memory stick from him.  As he manages to escape, he travels through the Megido Valley and meets with a young girl named Sarah.  She is from a Jewish settlement and accompanies Landro as he continues his mission to keep the memory stick from getting to the "Enlightened One."
The above short episode description is taken from the continuing story of  Mitch Landro, a special agent, who is recovering from a near-fatal injury in the Australian outback. He is living off the grid after being discovered and saved by an indigenous Aboriginal group. The world system is heading for a complete dictatorial takeover by new and advanced AI systems designed to control all humanity. Agent Landrow's recovery will play a major role in curtailing the coming apocalypse of the four horsemen. In the future of our story, Agent Marrows' son and Lawrence's sister Rhia will resurface and play a major role in the coming world 
 This story will continue into the year 2053 and beyond.  As artificial intelligence grows exponentially, so will the changing events within this thrilling story become more fact than fiction!

To gain a full understanding and enjoyment of this ongoing story, make sure to begin with episode one. It is important to note that the characters and the content are ever-evolving sequentially.

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