Thursday Mar 07, 2024

War on Culture

War on Culture AI versus Faith.

A thrilling drama podcast surrounding the exponential growth and impact artificial intelligence has on culture, world politics and the humanistic influence AI has on challenging personal faith, and long held values. To the author's surprise, this story began as fiction but is now becoming a reality.

The thrilling story of the rise of AI and the new world order into the year 2053.
The ascendance and complete dictatorial control of AI in the year 2053  will lead to the rise of the resistance movement.  Special agents will join forces and fight for the overthrow of would-be messiahs and dictators.   The fight for the restoration of God-given rights will unite a broken world...

This is part one of a complete 3.5-hour podcast that begins in the year 2053.   The story entails the rise of AI, culture wars, and the fight for human God-given rights.  This story will bring the listener over time in history with thrilling scenarios that may be assimilated into what is going on in our world today.  A new world order as well as the rise of false messiahs and heroes will emerge and be challenged by the keeper of law in this fast-moving thrilling story...

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